47 Melodious Music Nicknames For Music Lovers | Kidadl
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47 Melodious Music Nicknames For Music Lovers

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Who does not have a soft corner for music?

Music is something that makes our daily life stressless, and also it gives us instant therapy whenever we need it. But some people are over-enthusiastic about music without any particular reason.

Some popular musical genres worldwide are rock n roll, pop, and classical, to name a few. There are plenty of singers all around the globe who are working passionately to create their music and find an audience. 'The Bard Of Avon' made lyrical tunes popular through his plays, in which music played an important part in the plot of many of his dramas. Ariel is a popular Shakespearean musical character.

If you happen to identify any such kind of person in your friend circle and want to give them a nickname that can suit their personality, then the list below is for you. Have a look and pick the best one right away.

We all have that one member in our family or friends group who has all the updates of new launches of music and album. We should always appreciate their energy as a sign of support. The nicknames given here can ease your efforts. Please select the most suitable ones from here and make them feel more special.

Funny Nicknames For Music Lovers

You can call a music lover by any name related to music. But if you are looking for funny nicknames, here we have the list to help you out. Go through these exciting nicknames and pick the one that suits you best.

1. Crazy Beats - A cool title for a friend who is crazy for music and loves songs with beats can be called by this name.

2. Dark Music - There will always be a dark music lover in your gang. You can select this one for them.

3. Dark Tone - Another name for someone who loves dark songs.

4. Evergreen Rings - A friend whose playlist is filled with old music.

5. Heart Sprinkles - If you know a person whose voice is mesmerizing.

6. Mad Musician - If you are shuffling through funny nicknames to title your friend who makes mad music, then this one is a nice one.

7. Melody Land - The one whose voice takes you to another world.

8. Music Maniac - Another one for a mad song lover.

9. Musci Teacher - That one friend who always picks errors in your song.

10. Psycho Sung - A perfect one among all of the funny nicknames for a person who is psycho for music.

Nicknames For Your Loved Ones

Finding suitable names for your loved ones is very important, but if your partner is a music enthusiast, then the task of choosing the right nickname may get a bit tricky. To ease the burden, here are some great options.

11. King of Pop - A cool title for a pop sound lover.

12. Metal Queen - A fan of Lee Aaron can be called by this nickname.

13. Piano Man - If he is a piano expert.

14. Queen of Soul - This is one of the names Adele is known by. But if you regard your beloved as the queen of your soul, you can use this one.

15. Secret Lyrics - For someone whom you admire secretly.

16. The English Godfather - This name belongs to Don Arden. So, if your partner is a fan of Don Arden's music, then you can stick with it.

17. The Singing Cowboy - If you are the cowgirl of your cowboy.

Unique Nicknames Related To Music

Everyone tries to choose nicknames that are different and unique. Ease the search task and get the unique music nicknames that you may not get anywhere else.

18. Artists - You must have some friends in the group who are very enthusiastic about music. You can call them Artists altogether.

19. Beatboxer - This name is suitable for that beatboxer friend in your circle.

20. Feel the Song - Give this name to that one person who listens to music with feeling.

21. Music Buddy - To your music partner with whom you feel most comfortable performing.

22. Musicer - Nicknames can often be meaningless. This one is one of them, but you cannot deny that this one is pretty cool to call someone with.

23. Muso - Another music-related name that you can use for a very close friend of yours.

24. Pop Star - This is undoubtedly a cool title for your friend who performs like a pop star. It will make them happy without a doubt.

25. Rock Star - This can be given to the coolest friend in the group.

26. Sad Music Lover - We all have that one friend who is overly obsessed with sad music. For them, this will be the best title you will get.

Nicknames For Your Music Partner

Finding the name for your self-made music is not that tough. You can refer to the intro or to the refrain of the song. But when it comes to finding a good name for your music partner, you may have to shuffle a bit. The options given below can help you.

27. Music Bros - This name will replicate your bond with each other.

28. Music Buddies - Buddy is a special term in itself, and when you add music with it, it shows the closeness of you and your partner more prominently.

29. Music Lovers - A friend with whom your music taste matches the most.

30. Music Partners - That one friend with whom you share your headphones.

31. Musical Souls - If you think that your souls are connected with music.

32. Rainbow Blooms - When your music partner makes you as happy as a rainbow.

33. Rockers - A partner who gives you the confidence to give the best on the stage when you are together. This can also be a cool title for your band.

Cool Nicknames For Your Music Lover Friend

Friends are always special to us, and to make them understand how special they are, you can give them nicknames that suit their personality. Here are some of the ideal nicknames you can pick.

34. Attitude King - The attitude king of your gang deserves this name.

35. Attitude Queen - That girl who always has the right attitude.

36. Chill Mood - If you have a friend who is always listening to music and having a chilled mood, they can have this funny name.

37. Guitar Lover - The one who plays guitar very enthusiastically.

38. Heavy Metal - Someone who is always in love with heavy metal songs.

39. Melody Stream - A very sweet voice owner can be called by this name.

40. Music Soul - A person whose soul is connected with music.

41. Music is World - One who has dedicated their life to music.

42. The Heart of Music - You can give this name to those who cannot live their life without music.

Nicknames Inspired By Artist Names

You can be an artist of any genre like country, pop, blues, jazz, and so on, and also you can have your separate stage name according to that. However, it is good to keep it real, but if you want a cool stage name, then the list given below may be helpful for you.

43. Abbey - This was given to Abbey Lincoln, and if you are a fan of him, you can use this name for you as well.

44. Barney - If you have a friend who is a Barney Bigard fan, then you can give this title to them.

45. Big Jim - The famous artist Jim Robinson is called by this name. You can use it for your purpose as well.

46. Brut of the Frog - This is a fan-given title to Ben Webster. If you want to give a title to a Ben Webster fan, then this will be the right option for you.

47. The Fab Four - The Beatles are called The Fab Four by their fans. If you want a name for your gang, then this is a perfect one. You can adjust the number as per the member number of your band.

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Kidadl Team

The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.

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