National Hedgehog Day | Kidadl
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National Hedgehog Day

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Where is National Hedgehog Day celebrated?  

This day is celebrated all across America and Canada to give hope that winter is coming to an end. Parts of Europe celebrate this day as well. 

Who is National Hedgehog Day celebrated by?

This day is fun for anyone who is aware of it. Animal lovers and kids will have a lot of fun as this day revolves around these tiny, spiny, athletic creatures!

When did National Hedgehog Day first start?

National Hedgehog Day shares its birthday with Groundhog Day however the tradition itself is way older. This day was first officially celebrated on February 02, 1887, and is celebrated every year in February.

Who started National Hedgehog Day?

National Hedgehog Day was started by the Romans a long time ago, but the traditions carried on. These triadtionals later spread to America and Canada. However, the use of groundhogs to predict the weather was encouraged by a local newspaper editor in Pennsylvania, Clymer H. Freas.

Be careful when you adopt these guys because they are not legal in all the states in the US.

History And Timeline

Hedgehogs have become very famous recently thanks to Instagram. They have a keen sense of smell and love wandering in the garden and playing under plants. These cute creatures are suddenly taking the internet by storm. Here are some dates that have made these animals famous.


February 02, 1887

Founding Of Day

Both National Hedgehog Day and Groundhog Day were founded on the same day.



The word 'hedgehog' was first seen used this year.


Sonic The Hedgehog

'Sonic The Hedgehog' is a Japanese game that centered around a bright blue hedgehog which soon became very famous all over the world.

February 02, 1994

Sonic The Third Part

The third part of the popular game came out on the same day as National Hedgehog Day!

2015 onwards

Mr. Pokee

Mr. Pokee is a famous insta-star hedgehog with over 1.9 million followers. He seems to be a real bundle of joy!!

Traditions And Customs

The main tradition of this day is a hedgehog looking for its shadow to predict the weather. The other common tradition on this day is adopting one of these creatures. However, be careful because this is not legal in every state. If you have a hedgehog, don't forget to spoil it with treats. A hedgehog's favorite food includes meat, fruit, vegetables, and creepy crawlies!

Ways To Observe Or Celebrate National Hedgehog Day

Other common ways to celebrate National Hedgehog Day is to play 'Sonic The Hedgehog' or watch the recent Jim Carrey film adaptation of the game.

These spiny creatures are in danger due to habitat loss. Join in on any of the conservation projects in your area to conserve them. Build a small burrow, grow an organic garden, and watch a hedgehog or two live there.

Facts And Stats

  • The use of hedgehogs first started in Germany. When Germans migrated to the US, they used groundhogs to keep this tradition alive because hedgehogs are not native to America. Today, over 40,000 people celebrate this day!
  • There are over 24,000 posts about hedgehogs with #hedgehogday posted on Instagram. Make sure to check these spiny creatures out.
  • Although there is no famous weather forecasting hedgehog hopefully, we'll see a famous one soon for Hedgehog Day.


FAQs About National Hedgehog Day

How to celebrate National Hedgehog Day?

There are many ways to celebrate this day, and the most common is to look for hedgehogs and see if they look at their shadow.

Is a hedgehog the same as a groundhog?

No. Hedgehogs are very different from groundhogs. They belong to different families in the animal kingdom. Hedgehogs have small spines all over them, and groundhogs are more like ground squirrels.

What is the significance of National Hedgehog Day?

It is an indication of the end of winter and that spring is on its way. 

Why are hedgehogs out in daylight?

Hedgehogs that have not eaten enough to hibernate look for food during the day.

Do hedgehogs eat during the day?

Hedgehogs typically eat only at night as they are nocturnal creatures.

Does this day help in animal conservation?

Yes, there are many threats that hedgehogs face, and people who learn more about this day can help protect these animals.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
February 01, 2020 Saturday
February 01, 2021 Monday
February 01, 2022 Tuesday
February 01, 2023 Wednesday
February 01, 2024 Thursday

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