National Llama Day | Kidadl
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National Llama Day

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Where is National Llama Day celebrated?  

National Llama Day is celebrated in the United States of America and Canada.

Who is National Llama Day celebrated by?

 The people of Canada and the United States celebrate National Llama Day on December 9 every year. It is a day for llama lovers and their community to appreciate the intelligent animal.

When did National Llama Day first start?

According to some sources, National Llama Day was first observed in 1932.

Who started National Llama Day?

The information regarding the individual or organization responsible for the establishment of National Llama Day is not known.

Llamas are considered to be social and intelligent animals.

History And Timeline

Llamas are adorable farm animals that also provide much help to humans.

10,000 BC

Llama In South America

The pieces of evidence found by archaeologists show that llamas have existed in the region of South America since 10,000 BC.

4,500 BC

Domestication Of Llamas

Llamas were first domesticated as farm animals around 4,500 BC. They were raised for their soft wool and other functions around the farm.


Llamas Used For Transportation

The discovery of the wheel hadn't been made by the Ancient Incas, and so llamas were the animals used for carrying goods over the region of the Andes.


First Import Into The United States

Llamas were first imported to the United States in the 1800s and were kept as zoo exhibits to entertain visitors.


Upliftment Of Ban

A ban on the import of llamas made by the United States of America in the '30s was lifted in 1984 for the species of Chilean llamas.

Traditions And Customs

One of the traditions of National Llama Day is to interact with the llamas.

They love to interact with humans and are always fun company. Celebration of National Llama Day also involves learning about llamas and their unique characteristics.

Ways To Observe Or Celebrate National Llama Day

On National Llama Day, you can visit a petting zoo where you can find llamas as well as other animals such as sheep and goats.

There are also companies that rent llamas for events, such as a party for children or a family gathering.

You can also ask your friends to accompany you and dress up as llamas to entertain your family members or other children.

Moreover, you can also buy llama-themed goods that can be given as gifts or kept for yourself.

Facts And Stats

  • National Llama Day is observed to celebrate the adorable llamas.
  • Much information regarding the establishment of National Llama Day is not available. However, there is a popular origin story that hasn't been verified yet.
  • The unverified but very popular origin story of National Llama Day tells us that the day was established after the citizens of Canada and the USA recognized how important and useful llamas truly are. This happened as a consequence of observing llamas be useful in the wake of a severe drought in Canada.
  • According to the unverified story, National Llama Day started in 1932, but, of course, there is no real proof of this.
  • People are often seen wearing cute llama costumes in order to observe National Llama Day.

FAQs About National Llama Day

How is National Llama Day celebrated?

National Llama Day is an event that can be celebrated in many ways. The celebration consists of activities revolving around Llamas.

What are some reasons to celebrate National Llama Day?

Llamas are animals that are not only cute but are also helpful in human endeavors. These animals have been living among and providing for humans for a long time in history. In addition to this, they are also very smart and social. Thus, a day just to celebrate llamas is a great idea.

What are some important facts about National Llama Day?

National Llama Day is celebrated in honor of the llamas. There is a possibility that the first National Llama Day was celebrated in 1932. However, there hasn't been any concrete proof found yet.

Who invented the concept of National Llama Day?

The individual or organization responsible for the foundation of National Llama Day is not known.

Does this day help with animal conservation?

National Llama Day also raises awareness about how these animals must be cared for to maintain their growing numbers and why we need them. Thus, in a way, the event also sheds light on animal conservation.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
December 09, 2020 Wednesday
December 09, 2021 Thursday
December 09, 2022 Friday
December 09, 2023 Saturday
December 09, 2024 Monday

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