63 Phoenician Names With Meanings and Incredible Histories | Kidadl
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63 Phoenician Names With Meanings and Incredible Histories

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People from the first millennium BC were known as 'Phoenicians', a word derived from the Greek word 'Phoenix.'

Phoenician names were mainly used in the Near Eastern Mediterranean area. The major cities that believed in these names were Tyre, Siddon, Byblos, and Arwad. It is said that Phoenicians referred to themselves as Canaanites.

Phoenicia was an ancient Empire along the Mediterranean seacoast, including some coastal regions such as Syria, Israel, and Arwad. The modern name of this Empire is now known as Lebanon.

Phoenician girl names have a specific meaning concerned with a particular Phoenician deity. In the ancient era, selecting one of the Phoenician gods names for their child wasn't easy as Phoenician dragon names had more significance.

The reason behind choosing a particular deity to name their kid was simple. According to their beliefs, that particular deity will play a major role in shaping their kid's life, and the qualities of the deity will be reflected in their child.

Did you know the alphabet system was invented by Phoenicians?

Read on for some of the most popular Phoenician last names, Phoenician female names, Phoenician ship names, and Phoenician color names.

Ancient Phoenician Names

The common prefixes used in these names are 'Abd' (meaning servant of), 'Mithon,' (meaning a gift of), 'Ger' (meaning prosulete), and 'Hanni' (meaning favored by). Here's the list of some ancient names which will explain to you better about Phoenicians names:

Abdhamon (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who is a servant of Hamon'. A popular name founded in the city-states of Phoenicia.

Ahirom (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one whose godbrother is elated. A fun name from a Phoenicia city.

Ahumm (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who is a brother of the sea'. A distinct name from the cities of Phoenicia.

Azmelqart (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who believes Melqart is powerful'.

Baaliahon (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who is favored by Baal'. A unique name from the city-states of Phoenicia

Baaliaton (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who believes Baal has given'. A unique name from the colonies of Phoenicia. A popular name with merchants from Phoenicia popular throughout the Roman Empire.

Barekbaal (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who has been blessed by Baal'. It is eventually a modern name from Phoenicia.

Eshmounhilles (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who is saved by the deity Eshmoun'. A name that any mother would like.

Eshmouniaton (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who believes Eshmoun has given.'

Hannibal (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who has 'grace' and is favored by Baal'. An important biblical name of the world.

Ithobaal (Phoenix origin), meaning 'Baal is with him.' Another name that you will find to be interesting from Tyre.

Melqartshama (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who knows that Melqart has listened'. An already unique name.

Paltibaal (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one whose refuge is Baal.' A popular name probably from Tyre.

Sikarbaal (Phoenix origin), meaning 'Baal has remembered'. A name that every mother would like.

Urumilki (Phoenix origin), meaning 'The one who believes 'Milki is my light'.

Phoenician Gods Names

Phoenician religion was not easy to follow; it had many differences among major cities where it was practiced. However, it was inspired by natural elements and was significantly practiced. Melqart, Melkath, or Melkart was the God of Phoenicians. He mainly ruled Tyre and other colonies named Carthage and Gadir. He was connected with other lords such as Babylonian Nergal, god of the underworld and death; and Baal Hammon, known as the 'Lord of the Incense Altar,' was the son of Ba'al and protector of the universe. Despite this, he was also considered the Hercules of the Tyrians. Astarte was another important deity of the era. Here's the list of some God names from this religion:

Adonis was a handsome young God. According to Greek mythology, he was the son of Cinyras and Myrrha.

Baal Hammon in the 'Phoenician colonies' of the Western Mediterranean Sea, was the one who was referred to as 'God of Fertility and renewer of all energies.' He was highly revered in the region along the Mediterranean Sea. A far popular deity from history.

Baal was the ruler of the Universe, son of Dagan, also known as the 'Rider of the Clouds' and 'Lord of the Earth'. The Phoenicians worshiped him as the 'Lord of Fertility'.

Eshmun or Baalat Asclepius was known as the 'God of Healing.'

Kothar was the skilled 'God of Craftsmanship.'

Melqart king of the underworld and cycle of vegetation, was the superior Phoenician God.

Mot was known as the 'God of Death.'

Shahar was the 'God of Dawn.' A name dedicated to deities like Astarte.

Shalim was the 'God of Dusk.' A far popular name with the people.

Yamm was known as the 'God of the Sea.'

Yarikh is referred to as 'The Moon God.' A suitable name for a person from Tyre city.

Phoenician Women's Names

Are you someone who is looking for a Phoenician name for your little girl? Do you, too, wish that the name should have some qualities and affiliation with God? Don't worry; here's a list of plenty of beautiful names for your girl child in this section.

Adonica (Greek origin) meaning 'Lord, Ruler'; was the daughter of Adam and Monica named Adonia'.

Adonna (Phoenician origin), meaning 'a lady who is responsible, trustworthy, goal-oriented and has great management skills.’

Adonyah (Phoenician origin), meaning ‘a word founded from the Greek word Adonia.’

Aphrodite (Greek origin), meaning 'a sea goddess of love and fertility who was extremely beautiful'. Interesting name from Greece.

Izabel (Phoenician origin), meaning 'God's promise'. A suitable name for a person from Tyre.

Jessabel (Phoenician origin), meaning 'The one is pure'. A name that could come from the city of Byblos, Tyre, or Carthage.

Jezebel (Phoenician origin), meaning 'She was a princess and the daughter of Ithobaal I, King of Tyre.’

Monica (Latin origin), meaning 'advisor, truth'. A great name from a person from the colonies.

Tanith (Greek origin), meaning 'the goddess of love'. Interesting name founded from the colonies of Greece.

Tanith (Phoenician origin), meaning 'chief goddess of Carthage who was equivalent to Astarte.

Tanytha (Phoenician origin), meaning 'Goddess of love.' One of the names which refer to colonies.

Phoenician family names are extremely popular across the world

Phoenician Family Names

These are the names that the Phoenicians used to depict their 'family beliefs and what they 'stand for'. It is the last name and is carried ancestral-wise. It depicts everything about your ancestors 'the deities they worshiped', 'the religion they followed,' your last name makes you a part of your community, and that is why it is necessary. Here's a list of some ancient Phoenicians names which were used the most at that time: -

Hamilcar (Phoenician origin), meaning 'brother of Melqart,' the word ha stands for 'brother' combined with the name of the god Melqart. He was a third century BC Carthaginian general, the father of Hannibal.

Hannibal (Phoenician origin), meaning 'It stands for 'grace of Ba'al.' It may be a popular name from Byblos City to Carthage City.

Hasdrubal (Phoenician origin), meaning 'Ba'al helps' azru stands for 'help' combined with the name of the god, Ba'al. He was a Carthaginian general, the brother of Hannibal.

Hebrew Phoenician Names

'Hebrew' is a term used to refer to the language that people used to speak in ancient times. This language is still popular in Israel. It is the language in which the sacred 'Old Testament' of Israelites was written. This language plays an important role in Jewish and Christianity.

The Hebrew language binds people of different religions and cities as it is one common thing between two different cities. Names with Hebrew origin are generally taken from the 'Hebrew Bible' or named under someone significant. These names are popular and are mainly used by Christians and Jews. Here's a list of some Hebrew origin names that the Phoenicians used.

'Ach'av (Hebrew origin), meaning 'form of Ahab.' Sounds like a Carthaginian name.

Achinoam (Hebrew origin), meaning ‘form of Adalia. A suitable name for a king.

Adam (Hebrew origin), meaning 'man', derived from Hebrew ('adam') meaning 'to be red', referring to the color of human skin.    

Adoniram (Hebrew origin), meaning 'my lord is exalted' in Hebrew. Could belong to a King from Byblos or Carthage.

Adonijah (Hebrew origin), meaning 'form of Adonijah. It could be one of the interesting female names.

Adriel (Hebrew origin), meaning 'flock of God.' It is also the name of a man who married Saul's daughter Merab.

Aharon (Hebrew origin), meaning 'form of Aaron. Could be named after the cities of Byblos or Carthage.

Amaryahu (Hebrew origin), meaning 'form of Amariah'. Can be an interesting Carthaginian name.

Amittai (Hebrew origin), meaning 'my truth'. It is also believed that This is the name of the father of the prophet Jonah.

Ammiel (Hebrew origin), meaning 'God is my kinsman'. A unique name that could belong to a king.

Beulah (Hebrew origin), meaning 'married.' The name is used to refer to the land of Israel (Isaiah 62:4).

Bilhal (Hebrew origin), meaning 'bashful' or 'moist'. A far more important name in the colonies.

Binyamin (Hebrew origin), meaning 'Arabic form of Benjamin which means son of my right hand'. This name is derived from the youngest son of Jacob in the Bible. An important name for merchants.

Bithyah (Hebrew origin), meaning 'Hebrew form of Bithiah' or 'daughter of God'. The girl named 'Bithyah' is cautious, trustworthy, responsible, and honest.

Boaz (Hebrew origin), meaning 'swiftness' in Hebrew. In the 'Old Testament', this is the name of the man who marries Ruth.

Daniyyel (Hebrew origin), meaning 'biblical Hebrew form of Daniel.' An even more popular name.

Daryavesh (Hebrew origin), meaning 'Form of Darius' used in the Hebrew Bible.

Dawid (Hebrew origin), meaning 'Polish form of David'.

Eliav (Hebrew origin), meaning 'Hebrew form of Eliab'. A name that could belong to a king.

Elli (Hebrew origin), meaning 'ascension,' is a high priest of the Israelites.

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