Puggle Temperament: Are Puggles The Perfect Puppies For Your Family? | Kidadl
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Puggle Temperament: Are Puggles The Perfect Puppies For Your Family?

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Puggles come from pug and beagle parents.

They are adorable and bear the traits of both the pug and the beagle. The hybrid puggle is great with family and is an extremely intelligent dog.

Puggles gained immense popularity in the United States, where they were first developed in the year 1980. These designer dogs are highly social in nature and are great with kids. They are about 10-15 in (25-38 cm) in length and typically weigh about 20-30 lb (9-14 kg). Their life expectancy is just like their parents, about 10-15 years. Their coat is that of the beagle pug mix and mainly comes in three colors. These are chocolate brown, tan, and the fawn or the light yellowish color. These dogs are highly active and therefore, can be great walking companions. They often show sporadic bursts of enthusiasm upon seeing the owner or when they are offered treats. They love playing outdoors, but also enjoy indoors owing to their small body size. However, prolonged running is not recommended for the puggles, as they are prone to respiratory troubles. They are jolly and devoted dog species and bear the popular traits of their parents, both of which are famous in the canine world. Hence, a puggle is the best option if one is confused between a pug and a beagle. The mixing of the two breeds results in passing on of the best traits in the progeny, resulting in an enhanced genetic diversity. This means that the puggle is a healthier dog than its parents. However, many people are against the idea of hybridization and consider this practice to be inhumane.

The male pug is bred with the female beagle. The pug, from ancient China, was thought to be loyal to the Royal Chinese families. It is a cute bundle of joy that belongs to the toy group of dogs and is always full of mischief. It is ranked as the 28th most popular dog by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2019. The beagle is a hound god that originated in England during the 16th century. These are great hunting dogs and are highly curious. Their extremely well-developed nostrils help them to pick up 50 different odors. They are carefree dogs and are ranked the 6th most popular dog breed by the AKC in 2019. Many breeders make tremendous mistakes while cross-breeding the two species and mate the female pug with a male beagle. This results in the death of the pug, due to its inability to carry the large fetus in its small body. The puggles grabbed attention after a random experiment conducted by a reputable breeder, Wallace Havens in the early 1970s. Although they are a highly in-demand dog breed, the puggles are not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club.

The dog's diet includes about 500-700 cal each day and it is recommended to feed them high-quality dog food only, which comprises fiber, proteins, and essential minerals. These small dogs become excitable quite often and therefore, it is mandatory to make them exercise daily for about 40 minutes each day. Although the puggles are playful, they can cause some trouble to the dog owners by constant howling or barking, upon seeing a new person, or during bad weather. Just like the beagle parent, puggles can be stubborn as well. They are also seen to wander and get lost in the woods due to their curious minds. Keep on reading to know more about the puggle temperament.

Enjoying the read? If yes, then check out how long do pugs live and puggle lifespan, here on Kidadl.

Can puggles be temperamental?

Puggles are companion dogs, and since they are crossbreed in nature, they showcase the qualities of both the parent breeds. The puggle owners get to see a mix of personalities in these dogs.

They are highly active dogs and are always out in search of something to satisfy their curiosity. The puggle puppies can be mischievous too, just like their male pug parents. They love to stick around with humans and involve themselves in a lot of activities to impress their masters. The puggles are intelligent as well. They surely keep in mind a particular smell, thanks to their well-developed nostrils. This trait comes from their female beagle parents, who are hound dogs originally. They are great hunting dogs and guard dogs as well. They love to play outdoors with other dogs. The puggles can be kept with other pets in the house. This keeps them engaged all the time. It is essential to keep in mind that puggles crave human presence, just like the pugs and beagles. You will always find a shadow following you once you bring your fluff ball home. Owing to their inquisitive mind, these pets often get into trouble. They can be stubborn at times, and the owners may face difficulty training them. Puggles also showcase some destructive behavior, which is not uncommon in their gene character traits. Hence, it is advisable not to keep them alone at home for a long duration. All the food cupboards and the entrance doors must be shut, and the holes must be secured. Not only may they destroy all the furniture at home, but they will also get bored and stressed out. Eventually, this will lead to several psychological and physical disorders. They love to have fun and often carry out mischievous activities. Thus, it is necessary to keep them engaged with plenty of toys or with a play partner.

Is a puggle a good family dog?

The puggle is a great family dog. They particularly get along with young children very well.

It is an affectionate and active dog. Puggles love being with humans and socializing with other pets too. They bond well with kids and are always on the run to feed their curiosity. Moreover, they come from a hound dog ancestry and are excellent sniffing dogs. Their nostrils are highly developed and are capable to pick up any smell. They have good memories and tend to remember people and places. Puggles can be very clingy at times. They find peace while sticking around with their owners. It is not likely that they crave only one human to stick to. They bond well with all the family members, including other pets in the house. However, they tend to chase away cats and squirrels. This is mainly due to their acute hunting skills, and once they sniff any cat or squirrel around them, their hunting traits kick in that make them chase away these creatures. From this particular feature, we can admit that the puggle owners definitely feel safe in their house, devoid of any mice or other rodents. Puggle is a smart dog breed and therefore, quickly learns to adapt itself to new environments. If you are seeking a true companion, then puggle is a good choice for you. It will surely keep you busy and become a great partner.

Are puggles hard to train?

They are intelligent dogs and pick up a command quickly. Although they are sociable, the puggles are extremely stubborn. As it is a mixed breed, it possesses the characteristics of both the parent breeds.

Puggle puppies should be trained from the very beginning to make them well mannered. They are headstrong dog breeds and consider doing everything at their own will. The pug beagle mix gets bored easily and is always in search of fun. Therefore, it is important to keep the training sessions short and full of fun games. They love to get the attention of their owners. These designer dogs can be rewarded with treats from time to time in order to keep them motivated during the training. They are likely to lose interest in a short while if the training is monotonous. Thus, the small rewards including some cuddles will surely balance out the rigorous training. These dog breeds can become ill-mannered if they are pampered too much. Therefore, the amount of pampering and rewards should be checked when it comes to making their behavior right. A puggle puppy should be trained with other dogs in order to make it social and friendly. The pups can grow up to be uncontrollable and can eventually cause a lot of damage. Also, it is important to keep in mind that puggles suffer from several health issues owing to their cross breed traits. With excessive training, they can face health problems like breathing troubles and allergies. Due to their small snout just like the pug, the puggle dog suffers from a health condition called stenotic nares, which directly affects their training and other daily activities. Cross breed small dogs often face a serious genetic disorder called hip dysplasia, which is another factor that can affect their training. Excessive feeding should be avoided in order to maintain a healthy weight. They should exercise at least once every day so that they can burn out the excess calories. This will also make sure that they are not hyperactive in the house, which can result in too much running around and damaging things. Unlike the purebred dogs, their temperament is less predictable, and therefore, it can be quite challenging to train them properly.

Puggle Friendliness

The beagle pug mix is the most popular hybrid dog in the US. They are extremely friendly and affectionate.

The puggles love to be cuddled and crave attention from their owners. Not only the owners, but they also like to stay in touch with other family members as well as other pet animals in the house. These designer breeds can be naughty at times, but their adorable little face will surely draw out all the anger from you. This playfulness increases with their age. They like to spend more time cuddling than playing. If you come home after a hectic day, your pet puggle will make sure to hold you in its arms and ask you to do it as well.

It is not recommended to keep them locked in a room. This will scare them and as a result, you will get to hear a lot of barking. A lot of patience is needed when it comes to teaching them not to bark. Although they are social, they do get intrigued upon seeing strangers and other pets. They keep searching for things in every nook of the house. Upon seeing their favorite treats, they start to jump all over the house and you will definitely get to see quite a performance. Their irresistible charm will blow your mind and their cute little puppy face will melt your heart right away.

Puggle Activity Level

Puggles are extremely active dog breeds. The pug beagle mix is known to possess all the traits of their parents.

They enjoy playing every day for at least 15 minutes. This does not mean that they require rigorous training. Puggles like to walk and run from time to time. They set out on a hunting spree with sporadic bursts of energy, upon seeing a rabbit or a cat. Their beagle parent belongs to the hound dog breeds, with a love for hunting. In fact, these dogs were used as hunting dogs in England. This particular trait expressed itself pretty well in the puggles. Puggles have well-developed nostrils, and they can easily catch the scent of any new person, animal, or object. Because of such a great capability, they are considered to be good guard dogs as well. Not only do puggles get along well with new people, but they also enjoy the company of other dog breeds. Kids have a great time with the pug beagle mix. These dogs can play a number of games, which include fetching the stick, tug of war, hide the treat and seek. They perform quite well in agility training, with leg exercises of jumping up and down. These dogs are interactive as well and are capable to understand the owner's language pretty well. They tend to follow their owners everywhere and like sticking to them for prolonged durations. You can also play with the puggle dog at home, and teach them quite a few house chores, like bringing a thing or ringing a bell.

Although it is a challenge for the owners to train them, these dogs are affectionate and will love to please you in whichever way possible. Their curious minds may help you to find out your long-lost favorite items. However, it is to be kept in mind that this curiosity may often drive them nuts after a particular smell that they catch. They may run away from the house if the doors are kept open or destroy items at home. Thus, it is a mandate to give them at least one hour of exercise each day to exhaust their energy.

A puggle dog is extremely active and fun-loving.

Adopting A Dog From A Puggle Rescue Or Shelter

The best way to bring home a puggle is from a rescue shelter. Puppy mills are not recommended to get your puggle from. In fact, these breeding grounds are extremely unhealthy for the dogs, and many of them succumb to the cruelty of the puggle breeders.

One can easily locate the address of the rescue centers by looking them up on the internet. Puggles along with other pups can be brought home from these shelters. As they are hybrid dogs, they are prone to a variety of health issues. Their lifespan decreases due to the health problems and their seriousness. They can suffer from allergies of different kinds. Most allergic reactions take place from food, pollen, or some kind of pathogen that enters their body. A dog's coat can often catch ticks and fleas which can lead to a variety of infections. Hip dysplasia is one of the most fatal health issues seen in these dogs. It is mainly a genetic disorder and causes the abnormal development of the hip joint. It can be detected at an earlier stage by simply keeping a close watch during their running sessions. There is no definite treatment that is able to cure this particular condition. However, physical therapy and the medications prescribed by a vet will help reduce the pain in them.

These dogs also suffer from breathing disorders due to their short snout. This causes them to snore loudly and get early exhaustion during their training stages. Diseases related to their eyes are also quite common. Progressive retinal atrophy is another genetic condition that may lead to blindness in these dogs. Bacterial infections can lead to the bulging out of their eyeballs, a condition called cherry eyes. They experience tremendous discomfort, including itching, red and runny eyes. Generally, puggles that are bought from the pet markets develop these diseases due to the lack of care and poor conditions. Epilepsy is also common in them, wherein recurrent seizures take place. It can not be treated with any medications. These dogs should be well cared for and must be taken on a routine visit to the veterinarian, in order to maintain a healthy life.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for puggle temperament then why not take a look at do pugs shed, or pug facts?

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