9 Tasty Homemade Sandwich Recipes | Kidadl
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9 Tasty Homemade Sandwich Recipes

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When it comes to lunchtime, it can be a challenge to create tasty, quick meals for the kids that don't require much fuss.

Far from boring, these homemade sandwich recipes use fresh, yet inexpensive ingredients to make the best hand-held lunches. From veggie and vegan options to hot sandwiches and quesadillas, there's something for every palate!

1. Classic Chicken Salad Baguette

This mouth-watering sandwich uses fresh chicken and lots of green salad to make a healthy yet tasty lunch recipe. Serves 4.

You will need:

1 crusty baguette

2 cooked chicken breasts (try grilling or baking for a healthier option)

8 tbsp. mayonnaise/ light mayonnaise

1/2 a red onion, finely chopped

1 tsp. lemon juice

Pinch of salt and pepper

1 cucumber, thinly chopped


Handful of cherry tomatoes, sliced lengthways.

Salad leaves (rocket, lettuce, or spinach are great options)

Optional: A handful of chives, chopped.


1. Chop the chicken into small cubes, and put into a large mixing bowl.

2. Add the mayonnaise, onion, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and chives (if using), and mix together with the chicken.

3. Cut the baguette in half, and butter.

4. Layout slices of cucumber all the way up the baguette. Repeat with the tomato and spoon the chicken mixture on top.

5. Top with salad and close the baguette.

6. Cut into four and enjoy your chicken baguette!

2. Cheese And Ham Toastie

The ultimate comfort food, a good cheese toastie will keep the kids happy and makes a superbly satisfying lunch. This recipe uses the pan method, but if you have a toastie-maker or toaster sleeves feel free to use those. Serves 2.

You will need:

4 slices of bread

60g cheddar cheese, grated

4 slices of ham

Salad, to serve.


1. Heat up a large frying pan on low.

2. Assemble your sandwiches with a layer of ham topped with a layer of grated cheese. Place on the top slice to make a complete sandwich.

3. When the pan is warm, place both sandwiches into the pan.

4. Keep the heat on low, and allow the sandwiches to toast (approximately 4-5 minutes per side, or until golden brown). Wait until the cheese is melted and gooey.

5. Remove your toasties from the pan and cut in half.

6. Serve with a green salad or brown sauce.

Top Tip: The trick with this toasted sandwich is low and slow- keep the heat down and wait for the cheese to be melted. This way you get that ooey-gooey texture when you pull the slices apart, yum!

3. Spinach Quesadilla

This delicious recipe has lots of sweetcorn and spinach for a healthy kick, as well as a good handful of cheese. It's also super easy for kids to help make, and can be reimagined with loads of different ingredients!

Top Tip: For a gluten-free option, use corn tortillas instead of flour.

4. New York-Style Pastrami Sandwich

A classic for New Yorkers, this sandwich has the popular combo of meat, cheese and salad, and is easy peasy to make.

You will need:

Sliced bread (a bloomer or sourdough loaf is great)

Sliced pastrami meat

1 tsp mustard

1 medium tomato, sliced

Sliced swiss cheese

2 tbsp mayonnaise

2 lettuce leaves

(Optional) 4-5 sliced pickled gherkins/ cornichons


1. Spread mustard on one slice of bread, and mayonnaise on the other.

2. Lay out the pastrami meat, cheese, and tomato on top.

3. If using, slice the pickled gherkins thinly lengthways, and place on top of the tomato.

4. Add lettuce and place the other slice of bread on top.

5. Cut in half and enjoy your sandwich!

5. Brie And Salami Sandwich

Not just any cheese sandwich, this recipe uses just a few ingredients and is a great way to get the kids interested in trying something new. Serves 4.

You will need:

1 baguette, or 8 slices of crusty bread

Butter or mayonnaise

30g rocket

200g brie

1 packet sliced salami


1. Slice the baguette in half lengthways, and spread butter (or mayonnaise if you prefer) on one side.

2. Place the slices of salami, with slices of brie on top.

3. Cover with rocket, and replace the top of the baguette.

4. Cut into four sandwiches and serve.

6. The Vegan Supreme: Falafel And Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich

This delicious plant-based sandwich has all the components for a fantastic lunch recipe. Suitable for vegans, veggies and anyone in between, even the kids will love this meal. Serves 2.

You will need:

4 slices of bread

100g hummus

1 red bell pepper

1 tbsp of olive oil

Pinch of salt and pepper

4 leaves of lettuce

4 chickpea falafels


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Chop the pepper into large chunks and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on top.

3. Roast the pepper in a roasting dish for 25-30 minutes, turning halfway through. When cooked, remove from oven and let cool. Turn the oven off and place the falafel in the warm oven on a baking dish.

4. Spread a layer of hummus on the bottom layer of bread.

5. Place two large lettuce leaves down. Follow with the roasted pepper, warm falafel, and the top layer of bread.

6. Enjoy your fabulous sandwich!

7. Caprese Sandwich

This Italian-inspired sandwich is fresh and yummy, and also works well if made into a toastie! We've also included a delicious balsamic glaze recipe to add that extra oomph! Serves 2.

For the sandwich you will need:

4 slices of crusty bread


1 ball mozzarella

1 ripe tomato

A handful of basil leaves (or pesto works fine)

Olive oil

A pinch of pepper

A handful of rocket

Bottled balsamic glaze (or make from scratch from the ingredients below)

For the balsamic glaze you will need:

250ml balsamic vinegar

50g brown sugar


1. If using bottled balsamic glaze, skip to Step 4. If making the glaze from scratch, combine the vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and heat up on medium heat.

2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes, until slightly gloopy.

3. Let cool.

4. Slice the mozzarella and tomato thinly. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic glaze, and add pepper to taste.

5. Butter your slices of bread, and layer the mozzarella cheese on the bottom slice. Top with tomato, basil leaves, rocket and the top slice of bread.

6. Slice the sandwiches up, and serve with salad or crisps (or both!).

8. B.L.T.

Bacon, lettuce and tomato is a classic combo that brings together fresh flavours and the saltiness of the bacon.

You will need:

4 slices of bread

4 slices of back bacon, cooked.

1 tomato

4 lettuce leaves

2 tbsp. mayonnaise


  1. Spread the mayonnaise on one side of the bread.
  2. Top with the tomato, and layer on the bacon and lettuce.
  3. Replace the top piece and eat!

Top Tip: Try adding some chopped avocado to this sandwich for some extra texture.

9. Mashed Banana and Chocolate Sandwich

This sweet treat is perfect for an afternoon snack or even a quick dessert. It's a great way to get some fruit into the kid's diet, and great for adults too! For more dessert inspiration with no baking required, take a look at our blog. Serves 2.

You will need:

4 slices of white bread

1 banana, mashed

2 tbsp. chocolate spread


1. Spread the chocolate spread over one half of the bread, and the banana on the other side.

2. Combine the slices and cut into squares. 

Top Tip: If you're hungry for more lunchtime ideas, this post has lots of top suggestions for mealtimes with kids!

Written By
Sarah Hallam

Sarah was born and raised in the North West. Her love of art and culture brought her to study in London and she never left! She can be found teaching painting classes, trying out new recipes, or drawing with a cup of tea.

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