Top 10 Betsy Ross Quotes: Get Inspired By The Designer Of The American Flag | Kidadl
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Top 10 Betsy Ross Quotes: Get Inspired By The Designer Of The American Flag

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Betsy Ross was born as Elizabeth Griscom Ross, a noted upholsterer and an icon in her own right.

She was the creator of the first American Flag, which is known as the Betsy Ross flag. "I am not certain if I can; At least I'll gladly try" is a famous Betsy Ross quote.

Though most historians dismiss the story, Ross' family tradition maintains that President of the United States, Mr. George Washington, and two general assembly committee members — Robert Morris and patron saint George Ross — visited Ross in 1776. Ross convinced the United States President to alter the stars' form in every sketch of a flag he showed her from six-pointed to five-pointed. She demonstrated that it was easier and speedier to choose the latter.

Ross created the flag for the Pennsylvania navy throughout the American War of Independence. A fun fact is that after the Revolution, she made U.S. flags for over fifty years, as well as fifty garrison flags for the U.S. Arsenal on the Schuylkill stream throughout 1811. Betsy was known to be a strong woman, having faced problems after her husband was killed in the war while guarding a storehouse.

Ross was one of those hired to make the flags for the Pennsylvania fleet. The Pennsylvania navy's ship colors enclosed AN ensign; an extended, slim pennant; and a brief, slim pennant. The ensign was a fleur-de-lis with thirteen stripes, seven red stripes and 6 white stripes within the flag's canton (upper-left-hand corner).

Here, you can find the top 10 Betsy Ross quotes and meanings that we have collected just for you on our page. Want to know the journey of Betsy Ross? Then you should check out these Betsy Ross quotes. If you like these quotes, you should also read our Walter Cronkite quotes and [civil war quotes].

Famous Quotes About Betsy Ross

Liberty is important in in America.

Here are some of Betsy Ross famous quotes on the American Flag in all their glory.

1. "We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty."

- George Washington.

2. "We do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in doing so we dilute the freedom that this cherished emblem represents."

- Texas vs. Johnson.

3. "A nation thrills, a nation bleeds, a nation follows where it leads, and every man is proud to yield his life upon a crimson field for Betsy’s battlefield."

- Minna Irving.

Quotes Said By Betsy Ross

Here are some real quotes by Betsy Ross on the American Flag that we have collected for you.

4. "Today the American knight holds the commercial supremacy of the world."

- Betsy Ross.

5. "Our hearts aching, our prayers praying, our flags waving, never forget."

- Betsy Ross.

6. "Stars on a field of blue; one for each colony; bars of red, for the blood of sacrifice; on a ground of white for love and peace."

- Betsy Ross.

Quotes By Or About Betsy Ross

Some Betsy Ross quotes on the American Flag.

7. "'A flag our nation needs, to lead our valiant soldiers on to high and noble deeds. Now can you make one for us?', to which she made reply, 'I am not certain if I can; At least I'll gladly try'."

- George Washington.

8. "'Your country's flag behold!' and through his tear-dimmed eyes, he saw the stars and stripes unfold."

- Betsy Ross.

Betsy Ross Quotes For Kids

A vintage clock and the American flag.

Here are some famous quotes from Betsy Ross on American Flag for kids.

9. "One time during the war, I had to use the restroom, so they forced me to use it in the bushes, they treated me like a man"

- Betsy Ross.

10. "I can make a five-pointed star in one snip."

- Betsy Ross.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for top 10 Betsy Ross quotes, then why not take a look at [Harry Truman quotes], or [Horace Mann quotes]?

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