Victory In Europe Day | Kidadl
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Victory In Europe Day

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Where is Victory in Europe Day celebrated?

Victory in Europe Day is celebrated throughout Europe, Russia, and the US to commemorate Germany's surrender. The celebrations are marked by parades across the countries to honor the memories of those who died during the hostilities of the war.

Who is Victory in Europe Day celebrated by?

In Europe, Austria, France, Poland, and the United Kingdom commemorate Victory in Europe Day with celebrations of Germany's surrender. In Germany, those who surrendered at the end of war pay tribute to the dead and promise never to repeat such atrocities and terrible events, learning a lesson from the past.

When did Victory in Europe Day first start?

Victory in Europe Day was first celebrated on May 8, 1945, following the surrender of Nazi Germany, thereby marking an end to the bloody and brutal second world war.

Who started Victory in Europe Day?

As soon as the formal end to the second world war was marked, British President Winston Churchill called for a Victory In Europe Day in a special speech broadcasted from Downing Street on May 8, 1945.

Victory in Europe Day was observed on May 8, 1945, when Nazi Germany surrendered, putting an end to the brutal second world war.

History And Timeline

May 8 in 1945 was of utmost significance to Europeans and in the US as the day dotted several historical events. On this day, the armed forces of the Axis Powers surrendered, marking an official end to the six-year-long bloody war that history has ever witnessed. On April 30, Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, committed suicide during the Battle of Berlin as Germany was losing ground against the allied powers.

However, this was not an authorized end to war. The President of Germany, Karl Donitz, heading the Flensburg government, authorized Germany to surrender to the allied armies. The acts conforming to this were signed on May 7 and on May 8 in Reims and Berlin, respectively. When many European countries and the US celebrate Victory in Europe Day on the May 8, several East European countries and Russia celebrate this day on May 9 every year.


Clashes Kick Start

The seeds for the Second World were sown when Hitler went forth to annex Austria with a motive to unite all German people.

September 1939

War on Germany

Britain and France declared war on Germany following the latter’s invasion of Poland.


Germany turns against Russia

Germany attacked Russia in 1941 by sending millions of German soldiers and violated the treaty signed by both in 1939.

November 1942

Battle of Stalingrad

Russians, in the Battle of Stalingrad, defeated Germany in 1942.

May 1945

An unconditional surrender.

The then German head, Karl Donitz, declared ‘unconditional surrender’ for Germany. The following day, Victory in Europe day was celebrated.

Traditions And Customs

People on this day attend local military parades in European and East European countries and watch the nightly fireworks. Every year, on this day, Russian military forces display their excellence and pride at the parade in Moscow’s Red Square. TV networks on this day broadcast movies related to the second world war, and people applaud the bravery of European military forces. This is also a day to avoid another devastating war in the future. People lay flowers and wreaths in the war-memorial sites to honor the valiant veterans. Wartime songs and poetry are sung in schools.

Ways To Observe Victory In Europe Day

If you happen to be in Moscow or have plans to backpack around this time of the year, then do not miss out on the military parade at the Red Square in Moscow.

This day, local veteran organizations of the ‘once-allied’ countries conduct events. Take part in them and honor the soldiers who devoted their life to nations.

Visit local memorial sites and heritages and lay wreaths or flowers to pay tribute to the brave hearts. Let children know the courageous deeds of soldiers. This will impart the values of patriotism in them.

Watch movies like the ‘Great Patriotic War’ with the second world war as its theme.

Facts And Stats

  • Victory in Europe Day is a public holiday celebrated by millions on May 9 in Russia. Schools and other public places remain closed for celebrations.
  • On this day in Russia, people wear St. George ribbons and red carnations, while military men with distinctions wear red star medals. St.George ribbon signifies respect and remembrance, while red carnations symbolize mourning and remembrance.
  • The place where Germany surrendered to the allied armies was called France's City of Kings.
  • On August 15, 1945, the US celebrated Victory Over Japan Day to mark the surrender of Japan to the US, following the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

FAQs About Victory In Europe Day

What do people do on Victory in Europe Day?

On Victory in Europe Day, people attend military parades, watch night fireworks and war-themed movies and visit memorial sites to pay tribute to the war veterans.

How do the French celebrate Victory in Europe Day?

The French celebrate Victory on Europe Day with ceremonies, parades, and church ceremonies. Millions of people attend these celebrations and the day is marked by a festive atmosphere in the country.

What is the significance of victory on Europe day?

The significance of Victory in Europe Day is that the day honors and pays tribute to war veterans for their valiance. It is also a day to pledge for a peaceful world that witnesses no war in the future. This is the reason that an increasing number of individuals have started observing celebrations across the world.

What is the history & origin of victory on Europe Day?

Victory in Europe Day began to be celebrated every year on the January 18, after the then British President Winston Churchill confirmed the unconditional surrender of nazi Germany to the allied powers, marking an end to the second world war.

How does this day affect people psychologically/emotionally?

The day affects people psychologically and emotionally to revisit the memories of a war that wreaked havoc and tribulations in the whole world. This helps the people understand the history related to this day and take corrective actions wherever possible.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
May 08, 2020 Friday
May 08, 2021 Saturday
May 08, 2022 Sunday
May 08, 2023 Monday
May 08, 2024 Wednesday

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