World Read Aloud Day | Kidadl
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World Read Aloud Day

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Where is World Read Aloud Day celebrated?  

The day is celebrated all over the world.

Who is World Read Aloud Day celebrated by?

Adults, teens, and children all over the world celebrate this day.

When did World Read Aloud Day first start?

World Read Aloud Day was first started on February 2, 2010

Who started World Read Aloud Day?

World Read Aloud Day was established by LitWorld, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy.

History And Timeline

Literacy is essential for children's development as socially responsible citizens.

World Read Aloud Day was first established in 2010 by LitWorld, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy. Scholastic, a well-known book publisher, promotes World Read Aloud Day.

30,000 years ago

Storytelling Evidence

Animals, humans, and other item drawings have been discovered in caves.

Date: 1800 

Shakespeare Week

The commemoration of William Shakespeare's birth and death began on April 23.


A Book Day For Children

The United Nations proclaimed April 1 as International Children's Book Day.


Celebrate Books And Authors

UNESCO has designated a day to encourage people to read for enjoyment.


One Child One Book

The effort to provide a book to every child around the globe was launched.

Traditions And Customs

World Read Aloud Day aims to raise awareness about the value of reading aloud and the importance of sharing stories and promoting literacy as a human right.

Children who read aloud are likely to comprehend diverse people and cultures and develop their creative abilities.

According to studies, children who are behind their classmates in reading also have difficulty understanding instructions in other subjects. The practice of reading aloud helps such children.

Ways To Celebrate World Read Aloud Day

The most effective approach to observing the day is to meet your favorite authors, hear from educational experts, play games, collect read-aloud tips from good readers, and more! 

If you don't read books regularly, use this day to pick up your favorite book and read aloud, either alone or in a group.

Hold a conversation in the classroom about the importance of literacy.

Facts And Stats

Whenever parents or teachers read to their kids, it ignites a desire in them to become enthusiastic readers. Run school campaigns highlighting the importance of reading aloud on this day.

'Strengthening communities and youth through the magic of tales' is the day's purpose.

Practice sharing favorite stories with family or friends that can help kids practice reading aloud on this day.

FAQs About World Read Aloud Day

How do you celebrate World Read Aloud Day?

Just find anyone or a group of individuals with whom you may read a book. Reading to your children is something that parents can do.

What is World read aloud day?

World Read Aloud Day has highlighted the value of sharing tales, which challenges people to pick up a book, find an audience and read aloud!

When did World read Aloud start?

World Read Aloud Day was first started on February 2, 2010.

Why do we celebrate World Read Aloud Day?

This global literacy campaign aims to demonstrate to the world that everyone has the right and opportunity to read and write.

In which countries do they celebrate World read aloud day?

The day is celebrated all over the World.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
February 02, 2022 Wednesday
February 01, 2023 Wednesday
February 07, 2024 Wednesday
February 05, 2025 Wednesday
February 04, 2026 Wednesday

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