15 Yale Student Nicknames | Kidadl
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15 Yale Student Nicknames

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Yale University is a private Ivy League college founded in 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. It is one of the oldest educational institutions in the world. It is also considered to be a very prestigious institute and is very well-known all over the world. 

Nicknames are very common in Ivy League schools. They're a fun way of referring people if calling someone by their name gets monotonous or boring. Below are some of the most common nicknames used in some of these top Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, Cornell, and Princeton.

Harvard University's nickname is Crimson, University of Pennsylvania's nickname is Quakers, Princeton University's nickname is Tigers, Columbia University's nickname is Lions, Brown University's nickname is Bears, and Cornell University's nickname is Big Red.

In search of cool or fun nicknames for Yale students? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Below is a compilation of the best Yale nicknames that are trending right now!

These 15 Yale Student nicknames would help you decide on a nickname for any student or alumni. Finding a nickname and then selecting one that suits best on someone can turn out to be very difficult, but you do not need to worry because we have quite a bit of a collection in store for you!

Unique Yale Student Nicknames

Yale students are usually referred to as 'Yalies or Elis'. This was to show gratitude after a donation made to Yale University by the Welsh Merchant Elihu Yale. On an expedition to find the unique Yale nicknames? They’re all mentioned right here for your perusal!

Yalite - is one of the lesser used nicknames on campus; however, it is a pretty unique nickname for a Yale student.

Ivyed - is a popular nickname for a Yale University student. As the name says is a very loved and self-explanatory nickname considering the fact that Yale is an Ivy League school. A word that makes for a great nickname for a Yale student.

Yalesy - is a fun nickname for a Yale student. If you're in Yale or know someone at Yale, you can call them Yalesy!

Funny Yale Student Nicknames

Everyone needs humor in some sort or form, right? So, if you want to find a humorous or funny nickname for a Yale University student, you have come to the right place! Read on for some clues.

Yaleberg - is a fascinating nickname for a Yale student. It is a variable meaning of 'tip of the iceberg'. Getting into Yale is a tough, seemingly impossible task, considering how difficult it is to get in. Therefore, Yaleberg might be used to refer to that small portion of people who managed to get in!

Yale Bold - is a fantastic nickname for a Yale student. you're in Yale. Let people know that - be a Bold Yalie: a Yale Bold!

Yalum - is a special nickname for a Yale student that can be used specifically for Yale alumni only.

(Nickname for a Yale student must be motivational.)

Cool Yale Student Nicknames

Some of these cool Yale nicknames mentioned below would make your time at Yale more memorable and fun! So, do have a peek at some cool nicknames for Yale students!

Elihu - is a mesmerizing nickname for a Yale student. Anyone at Yale University knows or at least must know who Elihu is. One of the primary reasons Yale University stands tall today is the courtesy of Elihu Yale. So, this nickname can be a very cool nickname for any Yale student.

Eli - is a simple nickname for a Yale University student. It is short for Elihu and is yet another cool nickname for Yale students.

Oldeli - is a variation of Eli. This can be a funny nickname for a Yale University student who acts like an old or forever-tired person.

Dan - is a great nickname for a Yale University student. It can be used for any Yale student after the famous and most popular Yale mascot and bulldog 'Dan the Handsome'.

Popular Yale Student Nicknames

Princeton students call themselves 'Tigers'. This is a very popular nickname used on campus for students. Given below are some of the most popular Yale University student nicknames that you must not miss on!

Bulldogs - is a common nickname for a Yale University student. Most students are nicknamed/referred to as Bulldogs. This was because Yale's mascot is Handsome Dan, a bulldog. This name was given when one of Yale's alums and a former football athlete, Andrew Graves, a student of the class of 1892, bought 'Handsome Dan' from a blacksmith for $5. He later became the University's first bulldog mascot.

Yalies - is one of the most popular nicknames used on campus for Yale students or alumni.

Elis - is yet another extremely popular and common nickname for a Yale University student.

Yaler - is one of those nicknames you can use for a Yale student that isn't very much in use yet.

Yalo - is a fascinating nickname for a Yale University student. It rhymes with Hello, which is a very cute and fun nickname for Yalies!

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